2024 Word of the Year

2024 Word of the Year

My 2024 Word of the Year!


For my 2024, I have chosen the word "Embrace".  

I want to embrace all the parts of my life this year. I want to slow down and intentionally be present for all the moments. Most importantly, the challenging ones as well. Things like sadness, grief, fear.  I want to embrace and appreciate all my emotions for they are real and present and they deserved to be loved even in the dark days. I want to embrace change and getting out of my comfort zone because we don't change or grow without getting uncomfortable. 

What is a Word of the Year

A word of the year is a single word you pick that you feel lead or drawn to that you want to spend your year reaching towards or embodying. 

Questions to consider when choosing a word of the year!

  • What do you want to do in the next year?
  • What skills or characteristics will hep you achieve your goals or live a better life?
  • What do you need or want more of in your life?
  • How do you want to feel?
  • What are your core values?

Have you chose one or considering to choose one?  Do not allow fear or the pressure of choosing one to stop you.  You can always pick a word and work on embodying it and you can always change it!  Nothing is permanent.  

Need help choosing a word?  Here are some ideas!
Peace, Connection, Growth, Calm, Balance, Release, Wellness, Health, Adventure, Motivation.

So, what is your word of the year? 

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